Global Tree Management Solutions in India

We are tree consultants/consulting arborists/arboriculture consultants providing professional tree management services

We offer tree management consultancy services based on our clients’ needs where we strive to meet or to exceed international standards in arboriculture. For us, healthy trees are major assets and should be protected. Dangerous trees, on the other hand, can be liabilities. Some liabilities can become assets if properly managed.

We advise developers, architects and engineers on trees on development sites

To achieve this, we survey the trees on a site to help decide what could be kept and to identify the ones that are less beneficial or in poor condition.

This helps private individuals, developers, architects and/or engineers make decisions during the planning and construction phases as the trees to be kept are taken into consideration. They are then protected appropriately during the entire construction process.

We protect and manage healthy trees and reduce the risk from dangerous trees (or recommend removal when necessary)

This is done through tree risk assessment surveys where we inspect the health and structure of trees and give recommendations with appropriate time-frames based on the findings.

We increase urban green infrastructure with trees using appropriate selection criteria based on the factors relevant

Ensuring that the right trees are planted in the right place will allow them to thrive and therefore provide many benefits.

Ecological restoration of degraded landscapes

We restore landscapes with mainly native trees planted in logical succession and work with people who have over 50 years of experience in doing this

Other services:

We offer arboriculture related presentations, short courses and workshops

For more information about how we can collaborate, please have a look at our Tree Consultancy Services page.

Additionally, you can always contact Island Lescure directly to discuss any tree related matters.

+91 7598103616

[email protected]

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