Arboriculture Short Courses, Workshops and Presentations

Teaching arboriculture using slices of wood
Educating about the workings and interactions of a tree

Tree related learning opportunities

Below is a list of arboriculture related short courses, workshops and presentations that Island Lescure has created and currently offers, each of which can be tailored to the specific needs of the client. Depending on the course, online or in-person options are available. In-person courses may be held in Auroville or in other parts of India. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for more information or to discuss different aspects.

The courses offered are generally aimed at architects, town planners, municipal corporations, engineers, and landscapers, however, they are of course available to anyone interested in learning more about trees. Ideally, these courses will empower professionals to detect when arboricultural aspects can be integrated in the landscape, for the benefit of all.

Why arboriculture courses and workshops for architects, landscapers and landscape architects?

Doing a short course in arboriculture will present you with different ways of seeing how trees on your sites can be integrated holistically for their, and your clients’, benefits.

Why arboriculture courses, workshops and presentations for engineers?

There are many ways that trees and underground utilities can co-exist and in some cases, such as in storm water management, trees can play an active role.

Why arboriculture courses, workshops and presentations for town planners and municipal corporations?

Because cities need to integrate green infrastructure into their landscape to improve quality of life, environmental conditions, resilience to floods and much more. Trees can play a big part in that, if integrated and managed well.

If you want a longer term option, you could also consider participating in the 4-month Ecological Horticulture Course, offered by the Auroville Botanical Gardens. In this course, Island provides several of the short courses and presentations on arboriculture listed above. For the longer course, please get in touch with them directly. Island has been teaching arboriculture on this course for the past 5 years.

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