First International Seminar on Arboriculture, India

First international arboriculture seminar India


This seminar occurred on the 17th of February 2019 in Pune, India. It brought arboriculture to the table of planning and infrastructure in Indian cities. Tree consultants from India, the UK and Singapore presented to architects, landscapers, municipal corporations and other professional bodies involved with trees.

There were several good speakers with different experiences and backgrounds. They provided us with different views on current techniques and practices from around the world. It was a refreshing experience when arboriculture is currently rather rare in India.

Island Lescure, director and consulting arborist of Treescapes, was there to speak about the benefits and drawbacks of trees in urban spaces and how to improve matters. This is important as engineers and town planners need to be made aware of the importance trees can bring to improve social wellbeing, storm water management systems, energy savings and many other social, ecological and environmental aspects of our lives. Trees enhance our lives: this can even be worked out in a monetary way by using tools such as But these trees need appropriate installation and management.

Tree presentation

Our associate, Jonas Suchanek, executive and climbing arborist of TreeCare India, was also present to give a demonstration of safe climbing techniques used around the world. This evoked quite a bit of interest (as fit young men swinging around in trees usually do) to improve the safety and efficiency of staff members of various parties present who climb trees. The current method of climbing and working in trees is both very safe and efficient. Short training courses can be provided.

tree climbing demonstration

We hope to see more of these sorts of events in India in the future. This will bring awareness of trees to people and it will enable us to improve ourselves and share our experiences. For a first event, it was a great success!

arboriculture seminar audience

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Transplanting a Tree in India, Delonix Regia var. flavida

Tree transplant India
Tree transplant India

The transplant of this tree occurred to place it in a more appropriate place (more space).

It was completed in collaboration with Tree Care India for a member of TVS Corporation LTD.

It is a special tree as it was brought as a seedling from the Galapagos Islands. It produces yellow flowers unlike the common Delonix regia.

Photos and videos of the project can be found by clicking on this link: Photos

Some details of the tree, its initial condition and transplant information: Transplanting observations

Current aftercare method statement: Planting Aftercare Method Statement

If you have a tree in India that you think might benefit from being moved to a better location, please get in contact with myself or Tree Care, India (link above).

We would also be happy to discuss details with regards to anything tree related.

I hope this will inspire people to move some trees instead of just chopping them down.